On the 18th of September, the Orthodox Church celebrates a very special feast the day of Saints Peter and Fevronia. These two saints from the 13th century are considered to be the patron saints of family, love, and fidelity.
The Duke of the Russian city of Murom, Peter met Fevronia (a peasant girl) when she cured him of a disease using her knowledge of herbs. They eventually married, even though they came from completely different backgrounds.
When Peter inherited the crown of Murom, people refused to serve Fevronia because she used to be poor. Between fame and family, Peter chose to leave the throne and move to a different city with his wife, until the nobles begged them to return.
After their return, Peter and Fevronia reigned together in Murom for many years. At the end of their lives, they took monastic vows, praying to the Lord to let them die on the same day. They died not only on the same day, but also at the same hour. Despite their wish to be buried together, they were laid in two different coffins. However, the day after, their bodies were miraculously found side by side. At last, they were laid together, as are their incorrupt relics to this day. Saints Peter and Fevronia’s love and fidelity are an example to every one of us.
At Holy Virgin Cathedral in San Francisco since 2008, they have celebrated a Day of Family, Love, and Fidelity in their honor, with special prayers for couples.
—Holy Virgin Cathedral Starosta’s Blog